COVID-19 and  Teacher Stress

You are an inspiration and you helped many teachers see life in a new and positive light!

                                                                                                                               La Junta Intermediate

The Stress of the "New Normal"

In this "new normal" of public school teachers are finding out one thing...everything is new and nothing is normal.

Derek Hutchison and the What If? Project wants to come alongside teachers and support and encourage them in this time of change and anxiety.

Through stories and life lessons Derek encourages teachers to look at the current COVID-19 situation through a wider life lens. Humor and sincerity drives this presentation and teachers are left with strategies and coping skills to deal with the ever changing stressors this pandemic has inflicted on our everyday lives.

If you are seeking a short but powerful time that speaks to the morale and welfare of your teachers then this presentation is the one for you.

The What If? Project
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