My Janitor Christmas List
Excitement is always at a premium when it comes to special days at school. The first day of school is not so much fun but exciting and a little scary. The last day of school is filled with excitement but it can be tinged with a little sadness. Spring break holds glamour for the older students more than the younger and Thanksgiving break seems to just sneak up on you and catch you by surprise. Calendar breaks are coveted in schools. They are looked forward to by everyone, teacher and student, administration and staff. But there is one break that seems to hold its own type of magic...Christmas break.
I'm not quite sure why this particular break is beloved by so many in the school system besides the fact that it's the longest break, it marks the half way point of the school year, its filled with awesome activities, and it heralds in the coming of the fast approaching holiday festivities. Of course, when put that way the reason is simple. Everyone loves Christmas break because it's the best! So, with the Christmas holiday season upon us and the Christmas breaks commencing, I would like to share with you my Christmas list for our schools.
Dear Santa,
I used to work as a janitor in a school and I have seen a lot of things that schools need. I don't know if your elves can make all of them but whatever you can come up with would be greatly appreciated. So, here goes.
1. These last two years have been hard on our schools. Online, offline, in person, no person, open, closed, open, closed, mask, no mask, vaccinated, unvaccinated, and the list goes on. Our teachers, staffs, and students have been bombarded with change after change and they have handled it well but they are tired. So, Santa, if you could look in your magic bag and pull out a little stability, a nicely wrapped package of steadiness, a stocking stuffer of equilibrium, it would be much appreciated. Change is good, Santa, but too much change too quickly causes stress in our schools and our schools are stressed.
2. The next one might be a little tricky but I have confidence in you, Santa. I don't know where you keep it in your workshop and I don't know which elf department it's assembled in but if you could, somehow, bring a little encouragement to our school staffs I would be so thankful. Teaching is hard, Santa. Working in a school setting is difficult no matter what position you hold. The hours are taxing, the responsibilities are endless, and the expectations placed upon all staff are pretty high. There are times when people are doubting themselves. And it is during those times of doubt when they need to be encouraged. They need to believe that they are doing a good job. And the only way that can happen is in an unqualified belief that they belong where they are and the are where they belong. The staffs of our schools need a pat on the back, an atta boy or girl, a "job well done!". This Christmas would be a perfect time for a gift of encouragement. You can do it, Santa, I know you can!
3. Finally, I need to ask for my biggest wish of all. I've been told that you get one big ask of Santa in your lifetime so you have to make sure it's a good one. I don't think I've used mine yet but I am willing to cash in this particular wish at this particular time. Santa, we need some hope in our schools. Our teachers need to believe that things are going to get better. Our parents need to believe their children will be safe. Our administrators need to believe that their decisions are the right ones. Our staffs need to believe that all of their hard work will not be in vain. Schools need hope, Santa. Hope that each passing day at school can be better than the day before. Hope that somewhere in the midst of chaos there can be calm. Hope that this pandemic hasn't defined them but rather refined them. Refined them into educators that are more compassionate, more understanding, more flexible, and more empowered to provide more with less. I know this a biggie, Santa, but I know you can do it.
Stability, Encouragement, and Hope. That's what I want for our schools this Christmas. So, for all the past and present school janitors, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. May each calendar day of the new year be marked by consistency, highlighted with encouragement, and filled with an undying, unyielding, and unparalleled sense of hope.
PS Santa: A new mop would be nice as well.
See you next year!