What If? at Your School
Derek has spoken to my class of 5th graders many times in the past few years and has always impressed me. With my 20 plus years in education, I see his personal anecdotes and knowledge of the subject as second to none. Students (and adults) are engaged throughout the presentation and are pushed to make positive changes in their life.
Jon Woods, 5th Grade Science
Teaching the importance of your actions and words should be a priority for all of us. Derek takes the time to make connections from his own life and the life of others to share with you just how big of an impact they can make. My 3rd and 4th grade students were completely engaged and continued to talk about the lesson long after it was over!
Jessica Ward , 3/4th Grade
Welcome to the
What if?
Everything you do matters....
to everyone!
Watching the news about education these days is not a very pleasant exercise. Story after story seems to lead us to believe education in our country is headed down a road of destruction. Schools are becoming war zones and our students are struggling. Bullying is rampant and suicide for teenage girls is at an all time high. "If only something could be done", we whisper to ourselves as the next channel brings even more disturbing news. Our education system is at a crossroad. Something needs to change. But what?
Welcome to the What If? Project! This project is focused on the possibility of the "What if...?" What if schools became more like families? What if each member of that family spent a little bit more time on building relationships with each other? And what if each student within that school family learned that everything they do and everything they say matters, to themselves and to others?
Based on the book 'The Kid Who Changed the World', by Andy Andrews, the "What If?" Project is a 45 minute to an hour presentation geared toward 4th and 5th graders (although the presentation can be adapted to suit any grade) with the sole purpose of encouraging them to be positive role models for their younger fellow students.
Through the principle of the Butterfly Effect each student is introduced to the concept that everything we do and every action that we take affects not only ourselves but everyone around us. In short, EVERYTHING WE DO MATTERS!
Through this simple concept students are encouraged to think of themselves as a part of their whole school family. A family that cares for each other through word and deed.
Derek Hutchison is our presenter and brings 20 years of working with youth as pastor and youth pastor. Our program is secular and in no way encourages belief in any one religious standard.
Your students will thoroughly enjoy Derek's presentation style. Packed with great stories that bring history to life, as well as real life examples that will have students rolling with laughter, Derek's message will be one that no student will forget.
So, if you're looking for something to encourage your students this year the "What If?" Project is for you! Just click the button at the bottom of the page to share your school's information!
What You Need To Know

What grades?
Every Single Grade!

How long does the presentation last?
Derek can adapt his message to your needs but usually
45 min to an hour

How much does it cost?
Honorarium...if you there is nothing in the school budget then it's FREE!
Through our motivational presentations...
The What If Project seeks to change the thought dynamic of the elementary and middle school child so that students deem school as a family where each member is treated with dignity, kindness, and respect.
The What If Project seeks to challenge all students to consider the impact that their choices and actions have on themselves, their peers, their school, and the world..
The What If? Project seeks to encourage the belief within students that they are vital and relevant members of their school.